Sunday, March 18, 2012

building city guide(res)

building city guide(res)

Update log
  • warehouse
  • end of guide
  • Area info of Res Node before sending baron.

  • add pic
  • some info of cottage

later update content will be add
  • the placement of warehouse and it infomation.
  • quick upgrading building
  • looking for hosting site
first of all,we have to ask ourself what city we want to make.either military or res better not to mix military with res as it make less effective on city

I always ask how do i plan with new city.Here here what i always do.

Which res better in this city.For this we have to look what type Res Node outside city that touch city.Most effective res city is 8 touch res node,res node are like tree,mountain hill and free space

ResRes Nodetype of city
TreeWoodmix city
HillStonemix city
MountainIronmix city
Empty SpaceLakeuseful for 1 type city

Tips:- When you are  looking place for new city,try to point the place then look for info to know how many extra node res it have.see example pic below:-

*only food res cities are to be limited to one type of res production, everything else should be a mix to get maximum production.

For example,Iron city,take a look in this layout it has almost 80k for single res only.All this because of city is cover by mountain.

In city,we have 100 slot to be fill in with how we gonna place the building in effective way in 100 slot.

In my design, i use to give my mark res per/k(per hour) below:-

LOW<60k p/h
this cause of improper place without combination node,res building,boost building and cottage
NORMAL60-75k p/h
this usually for 2 in 1 city(military+Res)
HIGH75-85k p/hless military,more on res
Highest85k-90k p/hless military,more on res(better Node)
Extreme90k< p/hfor who use minister.The layout usually without MT,Warehouse,Military building,with 3 market and Warehouse city nearby

it be count in average production(>600>750>850)

okey here my number of building.

1.12-20 cottage
2.1-2 warehouse*warehouses can vary depending on shipping time and need for holding resources for other purposes such as storing resources for palace building
3.3-4 market(2 port water city)
4.1 MT(moontower)
5.any remaining slot for res building.

1.1-3 barrack,1 training ground for zerk raid dungeon useful on early game as the level of boss and dungeon are low.*after your first couple of res cities, troop recruitment is not necessary because you will have military castles that will be doing all your raiding and after a certain level, you wouldn't have enough troops to raid the higher level dungeons and they end up sitting idle(8

2.1-3 townhouse for gold.
3.TT in a resource city is not bad as later it will make it easier to recruit barons closer to a desired location and more locations to recruit a baron at the same time comes in handy when good cities go lawless later in the game

Design layout.

there are several thing we should know.This could be hard for 1st time in design layout.(always do experiment)

LoU tweak scriptwill add it soon...

Flash City Planner 2

This FCP 2 is most useful to design layout.below i list the useful info of FCP had:-

  • it can give you the layout of your city that you going to design.
  • it can give you idea where to build the building.
  • you can use it auto add building function below of the layout.
  • it give you an info of average production(>600>750>850) help you maximize res production
  • Shift key on your will show about each res building in colour.(i use it alot to tweak)
  • so on.. 

Combination in flash city planner(Node,Res Building,Boost Building and Cottage)

1st stage of combination is Res Node(this kind of useless and Consume alot of building slot and less Res Production,without combination of stage 2 and 3)
.Res Node,as we going to place res building,we should know how many Res node are res building touch it.Example;-


Stage 1 combination(content 2 combination)(must not end your layout with this unless you have right combination)
1 res node 1 res building450
*this pic usually give low prod unless there are combination of it.check below for more info
2 res node 1 res building570
*in this defend on how boost res building and cottage to be build
3 res node1 res building690*it going to be high prod in this pic make sure you have right combination.

and so on...

As from example above.Each of res node is increase by we get extra res and less use building mean 1 node is useless.we have to stay away from 1 Res node.

Stage 2 combination(content 3 combination)

.Res boost building(Sawmill,Stonemason,Mill and Foundry)is to boost res production.To have high product Res Boost Building must touch every of res building you have.To make it effectivelly you have to look on above exmple of Res Node.The method is still same as above.and here the example:-

Red Zone
1 res node1 res building1 boost res building788*if the tree is 1 space from city going to be useless due to not enough space for boost res building
1 res node2 res building1 boost res building1576*
1 res node3 res building1 boost res building 2364*in this pic,it going to have nice combination if left side are same placement building on right side and place cottage ontop and below the tree..see exmple pic below

so in summry,each res building that touch boost res build with res node are increase by 788

Blue Zone 1
2 res node 1 res building1 boost res building998*1 res building touch 2 res node seem good but yet the boost res building are not yet optimize
2 res node 2 res building1 boost res building998+998=1996*1996 may seem best but the boost res building not yet optimize
2 res node

2 res node +2 res building
1 res node +1 res building

1 boost res building

1996 may seem best but the boost res building not yet optimize and the 788 let prod down.

from above explanation,you must have at least 2 res node,3 res building 1 boost building in total of 5 building and 2 res node.more is better and less is useless unless you have a combination with cottage.that could be different.
 Blue Zone 2
3 res node1 res building1 boost res building1208

average produce =601
3 res node
3 res node+1 res building
2 res node +1 res building

1 boost res building1208+998=2206

(in total 3 building slot are used)

average produce = 735
3 res node
3 res node+1 res building
2 res node +2 res building

1 boost res building1208+1996=3204

(in total 4 building slot are used)

average produce = 801

Stage 3 combination(cottage)(4 combination)(hard to explain..

cottage,as anyone know,it use to rise contruction speed.It can use to increase res production that touching each of you res building.It same like boost res building.but not huge increase as boost res building.

cottage building must touch at least 3 or more(defend on the placement of res building that touch res node) to maximize it usefulness.

Example of cottage
1 res node1 res buildingnone1 cottage585*
1 res node1 res building1 boost res building1 cottage*

Best combination of cottage

*sometime you re lucky to have res this node layout but sometime you an example of nice res node layout
  • every boost res building touch least 3-6
  • every cottage touch at least 3-6
  • every res building touch every combination as explain above(node,boost and cottage)

the worst combination(your layout must not finish if the combination like in image below

  • 3 res building are not in right combination(not touch with either boost or cottage
  • because of the wrong placement build will make your cottage less effecive.
  • dont let boost fight for  1 res building as it only lower your res building and will waste your building slot(remember only 1 boost buildng touch in 1 res buildiingif there are 2 boost touch at same building it will count 1 touch boost not 2 boost


Increases the storage capacity for all resources. Enhanced by any bordering Sawmill, Stonemason, Mill or Foundry.(Boost Res Building)

Warehouse is usually made at the end of the map layout, where Res Building Boost ready installed.

Warehouse must be built adjacent to Boost Res building, where it multiplies supply storage.

you must build a warehouse adjacent to Existing Boost Building Res. example image below: -

 when you do not find it, you can add it.
example below
will be like this

when you done, try to check it again, if there need to be modified.
When everything is ready, you can save in LOU tweak Overlay

In Depth Guide

 Boost Res building zone.

Cottage Building Zone

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